Contact us

Haven Health Collective

127 Hardy Street, Nelson, 7010

For general enquiries or queries about classes and events, contact Celia or Lydia:

To book an appointment, please select your preferred practitioner and contact them directly.


Opening hours

Our team all work different days and hours, in order to best fit the needs of the service they provide and to ensure they have work-life balance.

We are normally open between 9-4pm Monday to Friday.

Individual appointments may vary - contact your practitioner for more information about the hours they provide.

In Crisis?

Haven Health Collective does not provide after hours or crisis services. If you are seeking immediate support for mental health concerns or are experiencing a health emergency, please contact the below services:

  • Nelson District Health Board Adults Mental Health Crisis Team: Phone: 0800 776 364 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

  • Free mental health helpline: 1737 free call or text (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

  • If it is an emergency: Please dial 111 or go to your local emergency department